Scotland - Highland Board - Consultation - Extended Hours

12 Jan

At a Board meeting on Tuesday (6 January), the Board members have approved a list of additional dates which may be appropriate for extended hours in the coming year.

The present policy - which permitted late opening premises to trade through to 4am and others (on-sale premises) to 2am - was limited to the festive period.

Some applications in 2014, including those for Halloween, were refused in part for being outwith the policy.

The new list, which is to be open to public consultation, includes local notable events such as the mountain bike championships in Fort William (6th - 7th June), along with Easter, Halloween, St Andrew's Day and Burns Night (2016 onwards).

This should allow the local licensing community to respond more easily to demand at these popular ‘high' days and holidays.

We shall keep you updated regarding progress and similar proposals from other Boards.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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